Our year: 25 pictures and 1 video

Where’d the year go 2016 has been quite a year but we’re not talking politics or those who’ve said their goodbyes. A best nine won’t do ours justice so here’s a top 25 of what’s happened. We started the year focused on mobile events. February Meg’s...

Window notice

Hello, I suppose we should introduce ourselves, we’re Bertha’s Pizza, Graham, Kate & Meg, do say hi if you see us about. I guess you’re wondering what’s happening to this beautiful building – we’re proud to say it’s becoming our home. Our journey started 6...

Time: the secret ingredient

Text as published in Hiut Denim’s yearbook number three. Illustration by Bjorn Lie “There’s a shop around the corner, go buy some flour, knock up another batch, you’ll clean up.”It was 1pm and we’d just sold out. The weather forecast took a u-turn for the...

Wood, gas and thermal mass

Q&A with with Daniel Young of Young & Foodish, Daniel asks the questions and I get carried away with the answers. How did Bertha’s get started?  Bertha’s what we christened our first oven, a Sheffield Steel, brick lined Garden Oven where we began the...

Representing those who’ve come before

Things are getting serious …we’re having t-shirts made.We’ve resisted thus far, the aprons Kate crafted have sufficed as uniform, but we’re stepping up a level in 2016. This is the year our crazy dream of a neighbourhood pizzeria becomes a reality. New...

Lessons from banker to baker

  Previously shackled to a keyboard. We’ve written about our past before, in fact it’s on the front page of our website – we were looking for a change of direction, a route out of London, a vocation not a chore. We sat there sharing the food we’d cooked with...